Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How Free Are You?

You may be intrigued by the title. After all, we are all free, aren't we. Yes, we are. But do we feel free? Don't we often find that we are not free to do what we want to. Sometimes we feel relieved and say, "At last, I am free of this burden."

So, the reality is that though we are all considered free, we sometimes put our own curbs on our freedom. Sometimes, we do it willingly. We bear with inconveniences and discomforts for the sake of our near and dear ones, for the sake of achieving our future goals and for the sake of causes dear to us. But these kinds of self imposed restrictions do not make us unhappy. they may, on the other hand, make us unhappy.

But there are other times when we curse ourselves for not being free to do something that we want. I am not referring to your getting stuck in your office. This is your responsibility and if you feel that you are not free to go for a movie because you are stuck in work, you have to get your priorities right. I am referring to the situations in which you are free to do what you like but you don't feel free to act. For example, if you are bored to death listening to someone and if you are unable to walk out either by speaking out your mind or by giving an excuse, it's a case of your not being free.

We all may have several situations in which we don't feel free. The main thing that is holding us back and preventing us from acting free is FEAR. It could be the fear of executing the action right or the consequences of acting in a particular way.

Fear and Freedom can't stay together. So decide, whether you are going to lose your freedom by allowing your fear to prevail or allow your freedom fly high by killing the fears that are holding your freedom.

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