Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Learning Process

Some of you reading this post may be highly educated. Have you noticed one thing in life?

There is o correlation between success and education. There are many educated people who aren't successful and there are  many successful people who aren't educated. Does this mean that one need not be educated to be successful? No. It only means that you need a different kind of education to succeed in life.

What is this education? You can give it many names but I would call it 'self education.' This is a complicated term but can be understood in a simple way. Self education means knowing what you want, what (resources) you have, what more (resources) you need, what you should do to obtain them and whether you are capable of doing what needs to be done. If your answer to the last part of the question is 'no', you have to think of other options.

Self education involves knowing your interests your aptitudes, your strengths and weaknesses.

Unfortunately there is no uniform or standard curriculum for self education. You have to design you own curriculum and pursue it with zeal and perseverance.

Look around you, identify successful people and study what kind of self education they had given to themselves to achieve the level of success they have. You will get a lot of inspiration.

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