Saturday, August 8, 2015

Are you living a simple life?

Many people pride themselves that they lead a simple life. But are they really?

What about you? Do you consider yourself living a simple life? If you are, then you should be finding things easy and simple. You will not have much to complain about? Does your simple life conform to this criterion? If it does, then you are doing well. If it doesn’t, then you need to work on making your life really simple.

When used with lifestyle, the word ‘simple’ is used in the sense ‘unostentatious.’ But the word ‘simple’ has got other shades of meaning like ‘not complicated,’ ’easy to deal with’ etc.  You can make your life simple by doing several small things
  • Not getting upset over small things
  • Tolerating the mistakes and imperfections of people close to you
  • Not cursing yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings
  • Believing that things are really simple

The last mentioned line of thinking will make you feel calm and poised when you face problems. Calmness and poise will come from a feeling of confidence and faith – confidence in your ability to overcome the problem and faith in positive outcomes.

People who achieve a lot in life adopt this simple lifestyle. All it needs is to develop a mindset that you will consider things to be simple and that things will turn out to be simple.

The legendary Sherlock Holmes while solving a crime often says, ‘Elementary, Watson!’ Because he considers the process of detection to be simple, he is able to solve  mysteries considered complex by other people.

You can begin to make your life simple beginning from today. Believe everything is simple. Learn to take things easy. Cultivate the habit to be calm and confident. Be gentle and tolerant towards others especially towards people close to you and people whom you are dealing with.

Very simple thing to do! Isn’t it so?

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